Saturday, November 5, 2016

Surprising Vegas Inspiration

The last 6 months of the political scene have been a depressing and challenging time. The hatred and intolerance for each other is beyond my peaceful scope. I will be able to vote when I return from my trip on Tuesday the 8th. My journey to Las Vegas is two fold. My wonderful in-laws live in Sun City (north part of Vegas) and I am attending a HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) conference.
I am staying at a nice hotel just off the strip. (Find my review of this hotel on As I look around from my 5th floor room I can see the Luxor Hotel and Mandalay Bay to my right, the MGM and New York, New York directly ahead and the beautifully lite Rio far off on the left. This city is so visually beautiful and may just be on the cusp of a sensory overload. I sat at the window for quite awhile taking in all the color and wonder and then my mind started focusing on the road and individual cars. I began to wonder about each car and the stories that are attached to each rider. (this picture from Google)

As we journey through our experiences of life I hope we all appreciate the color and wonder around us, while also remembering we each have a story; a story that has been written on us. This story is permanent, yet pliable. When we take a moment before we speak we have the ability to change someone else's story....for the better. Be that person.
When I return home I will create a card that I hope will represent my time here in Las Vegas.

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